Matamoras Municipal Authority 

Bill Payment

Pay online: Click the button to the left or go to this web link

Pay by mail: Check or money order can be sent to the office (address below).

Please make check payable to "Matamoras Municipal Authority".

Please include the account number in the memo line.

Pay in person: Check or money order can be dropped off at the office (When is office is closed we still accept payment through the mail slot in the front door).

Contact Us

Physical and mailing address:

304 Pennsylvania Ave. Matamoras PA 18336 

Phone: 570.491.2715

Emergency number: 570.296.7700 (Pike County Comm. Center)


Important Updates

Matamoras Municipal Authority – Garbage Service Information (Go to Garbage Collection tab)

Fee Structure

Residential Property: $50 per quarter plus $7 per every 1000 gallons of water used

Non-Residential Property: $80 per quarter plus $7.50 per every 1000 gallons of water used

Late fee of $18 is charged with second late notice approximately 45 days after initial bill is sent

Shut off for non-payment $100 plus the full balance due on property

Public Meetings

The Matamoras Municipal Authority Board holds its regular monthly meeting on the first Wednesday of each month, with the exceptions of January and July, when the meetings are held on the second Wednesday.  Monthly Work Session meetings are held on the fourth Wednesday of each month.  All meetings begin at 5:00 PM at 304 Pennsylvania Avenue, Matamoras, PA.

Any changes to this schedule will be posed on the office door and advertised in the paper and on this website.